Monday, March 1, 2010

tWas the Week of the Tour

tWas the week of the tour and all through the house,
The laundry was stirring Tide, Bounce, and Shout.
Kenny was sick but I'm sure he'll be better,
Out of Illinois and into good weather.
The Dodge DMC stands prepared in the driveway,
In hopes the new tranny can handle the highway.
With backpacks and blankets and pillows and packs,
We'll most likely crash at your cool with that?
The olympics are over and there's nothing on tv,
Except for that Nascar which seems strange to me,
So gather your friends and go out for a night,
For a spot of live music and cool flashing lights,
We'll dance and we'll sing, we'll drink and be merry,
Cause TLCB is music worth sharing.

See you on the road everyone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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