Wednesday, February 4, 2009

better late than never

So I really need to catch up on the last few shows. I'll hit the highlights.
Our show in Louisville was great. It was like 50 degrees when we stepped out of the van. You have to understand that when you live in Wisconsin you never feel 50 in January. Aside from being sick I was loving KY (the state). We ran into some friends and family as well as the "other" guitarist, Kevin, from Tantric; who, incidentally, was the loudest motherfucker in the club, and god bless him for it!
Salem, Illinois was a trip. Everyone was really great to us and we were treated like rock stars. I have never before had a crow of people cheering for a sound check. We played at Becky's Bar, which reminded me of your typical northern Wisconsin bar minus the snowmobiles and brandy old fashioneds. I think one of the coolest parts of the night there was when everyone busted out lit candles during our song "Candlelight" which kenny and lucas were prompted to do. I think there are pics of this at under "tagged photos".
There were only a couple of shows since that weekend namely the Up and Under in Milwaukee, and Malarkey's in Wausau. Now, I have to take a moment and talk more about Malarkey's. This place kicks ass! Tyler and Steena, the owners are class acts. They treat their bands well, they treat their customers well, and treat each other well. We played for a packed house...elbow to asshole for a majority of the night. This was the largest crowd I've seen at the bar ever....even the night kenny and i drank a ton of absinthe (real deal Czech stuff) I didn't see this many figures in the bar! It was great....thanks guys for another legendary night in the heart of wisco.

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