Friday, January 23, 2009

We're all Martyr's

In preparation for our Eastern tour in February The Lucas Cates Band is hitting the road for a long weekend.  We have to get used to spending 24 hours together...god knows that's a chore(for those of you who know us, you know nothing is farther from the truth).  Actually, we're like Captain Planet....when our powers combine we turn into a really tall green man who can fly and recycle.
  Last night we played Martyrs in Chicago with the Wu Li Conspiracy and the Steakhouse Mints, and had a blast!  Wu Li was all acoustic/folk with a twist of lime.  The Steakhouse Mints left me stunned, confused, entertained, and exhausted....they were awesome.  
The sound on that stage and in that room was some of the best ever, and the staff was wonderful.  It was a really great start to what looks to be a good weekend.   
This will be made possible in part by the new application Kenny downloaded to his phone.  Surprise, its the fart application.  So now I don't know if the farts are coming from Kenny or Kenny's phone until the laughter turns to looks of disgust.  Which almost makes me happy that I'm getting sick.

Whoever thought that you could drink away a sinus stupid.  I have a sinus cold, which kind of sucks on the road because I don't want to spread it to the rest of the guys.   

I also got to spend time reconnecting with some old friends who now live in the Chicago area.  Unfortunately they all had to work on Friday....suckers :-)  

See you in Louisview.

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